Tribute Wall
In Memory of
Robert Ian "Ian" Langille
1966 - 2024
Pamela Cameron uploaded photo(s)
Monday, September 30, 2024




+ 4
The visits over the years were precious times together. When Ian and Ron finally moved back it was like we won the lottery! Unfortunately our time was shorter than we ever dreamed. Posting some pics of Ian enjoying the simple life he loved.
Bruce & Elaine CARRIE posted a condolence
Monday, September 30, 2024
We all have lost a kind man.
We are so happy you were able to spend these last two + years in beautiful Nova Scota with Ian.
He will be in our thoughts along with some great memories we have.
Please know how sorry we are for your loss.
Love Bruce & Elaine
Lindsay Hurley uploaded photo(s)
Monday, September 30, 2024




+ 1
I am a little late posting here. I have been scrolling photos...struggling to find many photos to share of us with Ian. There simply isn't very many because I was too busy enjoying these events....we didn't take enough photos the last few years. But here are a few hot mess family snap shot's, all from Christmas of course. The second photo is one that I never saw until today when my husband sent it to me today when he saw me hunting for photos...I'm so glad he captured that one. Looking at these photos I can still hear Ian laughing and reacting to my kids silly antics. Other than that I am still at a loss for words. Thanks to everyone for sharing stories and photos of my Uncle, we love seeing them all.
-Lindsay Hurley
Ron LaPointe uploaded photo(s)
Monday, September 30, 2024

Our Wedding Day
December 16, 2005
Maggie Nielsen uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, September 29, 2024




So many good memories of our time working at Rona and our dinners to those weird places with the weird food you and Mary made me go to.
I will always remember how fun our trip (with our friend Debbie) to Tofino was where we spent time walking on the beach collecting “stuff” (whatever weird things you could find) to driving to Ucuelet to see if we could spot any whales. You always loved the ocean. I will miss you forever……xxoo Mags
Condolences to his loved ones. Hugs Ron ❤️
Pamela Cameron uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, September 29, 2024



Lisa Smith lit a candle
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Please accept my sincere condolences. Ian was a great friend in our younger years. We shared many good times and laughs. I was saddened to hear of his illness and passing. Gone to soon! Thinking of you all. Rest in peace Ian.
Lisa (Jollymore) Smith
Stephanie Canning uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, September 26, 2024

I know I have a lot more pics, but this one is fun ❤️
Stephanie Canning lit a candle
Thursday, September 26, 2024

I wish the past year would have been different and I would have had the chance to tell Ian how much I loved him.He was always my favorite uncle, I thought he was the coolest ! and the sentence "there was a firee in the trailer " will always make me laugh.Hope he found Mom and Dad in Heaven and gave them a big hug ! So sorry Ron .
Till we meet again Ian ..fly high..Love you xo
Korinne Elliott posted a condolence
Thursday, September 26, 2024
I remember Ian from many decades ago, during the teenage years. Ian lived in my neighbourhood. I remember him as kind, gentle, and as someone with a great sense of humour. Very sorry to hear Ian has gone so soon.
Matt Mcleod posted a condolence
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Q: What was one of your favorite qualities of Robert?
A: Ian always brought an infectious sense of humor with him when at work with Kent. I shall fondly remember our time working together
Mary Ivory uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, September 26, 2024


We had so many good times together. Lots of laughter with our wierd and politically incorrect sense of humor!! All those lunches and dinners, with all that different crazy food - always ordering way too much. The long winded phone calls....I will miss you so much! xoxo Mary and Gary
Lesa Donnelly posted a condolence
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Ron & Pam and Families,
I'm so sorry for your loss. While I never had the chance to meet Ian, I know how much he meant to all of you, and my heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time. Please know I'm here for you if you need anything.
Sending our Love,
Maureen & Lesa
Brenda Walker posted a condolence
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Pam, Ron, and families
Ian was my cousin, I hadn't seen him in many years. Was glad to hear he was back in Nova Scotia again and I am sorry I did not get to see him since his return.
So sorry to hear of his passing, I was hoping he would have had more time, taken way too young. Deepest condolences to you all
Brenda Walker
Heather Seara posted a condolence
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Really enjoyed working with Ian always made me smile and laugh you will be missed so glad I had the chance to work you and get to know you from heather on customer service kent
The family of Robert Ian Langille uploaded a photo
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Please wait
Janet and Dan LaFleur posted a condolence
Thursday, September 26, 2024
We didn't know Ian well but we do know that anyone who Ron loved was the best of people. He leaves a big hole in your life Ron but happy memories will fill your heart once the pain subsides.